The Online Voice of the Bicycle Alliance of Washington

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Turn Right at the Fork in the Road

A couple years ago I was driving my bike to work with my daughter on the trail-a-bike. We turned left and nearly ran into a fork in the road. Someone, perhaps a drunk college student had put a fork in the road between some cracks so that it sat upright. It just so happens that there were some construction workers near that intersection so I biked by and told one "there's a fork in the road back there, no really, someone put a fork in the road and it's sticking straight up"!

We rode on laughing at the funny sight. I pass by that spot nearly every day on my commute to work,  and I can't help but smile to myself when I remember the funny situation. My daughter will sometimes remark "remember when there was a fork in the road" and laugh out loud. Of course I'm laughing even harder since she has no idea that 'fork in the road' means something else.

Being closer and more in touch with the surrounding environment is one thing I love about being on a bike. Had I been in my car it is unlikely I would have seen the fork.

What is the funniest or most random thing you've seen while on a bike?


  1. One December evening, some years ago, I pulled up to a red light on my bike. Sitting in the car next to me was Santa Claus!

  2. When you come to a fork in the road, take it. --Yogi Berra

  3. Haha - That's a great quote by Yogi Berra and totally applicable!
