
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bicycle Recycled

The bicycle is a sustainable form of transportation.  It’s inexpensive, doesn’t pollute, and is accessible to almost anyone.  Bikes can be used by men and women, young and old, urbanites and rural dwellers.

Bikes can be recycled to new owners.  A growing number of community bike shops are appearing around the state, making second hand bikes readily available.  Many communities have organized bike swaps as well, and there’s no shortage of used bikes on craigslist.

People are also finding creative ways to reuse bike parts, components and accessories.  Some, like Alchemy Goods, have turned it into a business.  Others do it because it appeals to their creativity, sensibility, or both.

I live with an avid gardener.  He’s also a bicyclist and enjoys refabricating things.  He recently repurposed some bike wheels and chains into a climbing trellis for his beans.  His creation is functional, attractive and quite the conversation piece among our neighbors.

Here's another example of a bicycle recycled.  I spotted this chainring and wheel mobile hanging from a deck in Bend, Oregon.

A pizza place in Spokane sports old bike frames as bike racks for their cycling customers.

I would enjoy sipping a latte on this deck.  How about you?

These are just a few examples of the bicycle recycled.  Do you have a favorite recycled bicycle item that you've seen or created?

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